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Project | 01 Grounding and Lightning Protection in Electrical Installations

In order to protect the operating staff in electrical systems from dangerous step and touch voltages, the basic principles which are taken into account for the grounding of these substations are examined in detail according to Grounding Regulations in Electric Systems and grounding standards.
In this work, concepts of grounding electrode, step and touch voltages; and permissible voltage uses in the grounding system are clarified. In addition, the steps to be followed in grounding projects and methods of measuring grounding resistance are discussed.
In addition to this work; people, buildings, facilities and equipment to protect against the effects of lightning is an ongoing struggle for many years of field studies electrical engineer and this work still maintains. The target of protection from lightning, lightning directly and / or indirectly to eliminate or to minimize the effects. We also examine the necessary standards in this regard and lightning protection regulations, Franklin capture end of the Faraday cage method, lightning arresters and surge arresters have been made in research on lightning protection systems. Sample active protection zone lightning diameter is calculated.
After we controlled the grounding and lightning grounding of the building ,whether the building had a total protection or not was seen and whether it was necessary to change something or renew by following standarts and regulations that were checked over.
Finally, the AutoCAD drawings were observed to make the building have a protection and necessary steps were fried to be done.
Project | 02 Smart Grid

The problem in energy storage that contains production and consumption will be fixed by this work. Showing Smart Grid as concrete was purposed with the prototype that we made. Power flow rate, production and consumption rates can be controlled by using Labview.

Project | 03 Busbar Systems and Applications
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Project | 01

Project | 02

Project | 03

Project | 04

Project | 04 Uzaktan Su Sayacı Okuma Sistemlerinde Karakter Tespiti
​In this study, a method for finding the values on the water meter is introduced. The aim of the study is to develop a method of finding the value on the 2- dimensional image of the water meter formingentrance space with high accuracy. The proposed method by using water meters of clear color dark characters or vice versa feature on the background of which suppress the region without the character of the area will be the character region is used for the top-line conversion. Systems , pre-processing, thresholding function , morphological operations and neighbor algorithm is composed of subunits. Success percentage of the system is a high level , even with different sized characters.
Key words: OCR ( Optical Character Recognition) , Water Meter Reading , KNN Algorithm of neighborhood .
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